Winning Negotiation: The Importance of a Winning Negotiation Strategy in Property Sales

If you have ever wondered why some property sales appear seamless, one of the vital components lies in your Estate Agent having a strong negotiating strategy.  The ability to negotiate effectively, with a thorough understanding of the local market and buyer psychology, makes a significant difference in your final sale price and the overall experience for both seller and buyer.

The fifth element of our SELLWISE Strategy ‘W’ Winning Negotiation is a crucial component in maximising the success of your sale. This article will explore the importance of having a winning negotiating strategy, detailing its purpose, the problems that arise when it is not considered effectively and the solutions that will maximise your property sale and experience.

A Winning Negotiation Strategy starts well before you list your property for sale and continues right through to the closure, handover of keys and the evaluation of the sale.

Purpose of a Winning Negotiation Strategy

A good negotiation strategy throughout the sale will aim to:

  • Maximise the Selling Price: By highlighting your property’s value and effectively addressing buyer concerns.
  • Secure Favourable Terms: Such as timely closing dates and minimal contingencies for the seller.
  • Manage Buyer Expectations: Setting realistic expectations regarding your property’s condition, pricing, and timelines.
  • Navigate Complexities: Handling bids, multiple bids and counteroffers as well as necessary property inspections to keep the sale on track.
  • Build Trust and Rapport: Through transparent communication and fair negotiation practices, fostering a positive experience.
  • Achieve Seller and Buyer Satisfaction: Ensuring a well-negotiated deal with efficient timelines, increasing trust and avoiding any post-sale issues.

Problems when you don’t have a Winning Negotiation Strategy

Without a solid negotiation strategy, you may be faced with:

  • Lower Sale Price: Accepting lower offers due to the inability to justify the property’s value or negotiate higher bids.
  • Extended Time on Market: Properties may stay on the market longer if pricing and negotiation strategies aren’t competitive.
  • Unfavourable Terms: You as the Seller might agree to less favourable terms, complicating the sale process.
  • Increased Stress and Frustration: You could experience more stress and frustration if negotiations stall or don’t meet expectations.
  • Risk of Sale Falling Through: Poor negotiation can increase the chance of deals falling through due to unresolved issues or buyer dissatisfaction.

Solutions and Benefits of a Winning Negotiation Strategy

Good negotiation skills in property sales cover a range of abilities and strategies to facilitate successful agreement between you as the seller and the buyer throughout the sale:

Prior to Sale

Comprehensive Market Analysis:

A thorough analysis of the market, including recent comparable sales and current listings, provides a realistic picture of what buyers are willing to pay and allows for setting a competitive price.

Market Knowledge:

Understanding current market trends, comparable property sales, and local market dynamics provides the foundation for informed negotiation.

Property Preparation:

A well prepared property will strengthen the negotiation position for the seller, will attract more buyers and can command a higher price.  This includes decluttering, making necessary repairs and highlighting the property’s best features.

During the Sale

Initial Negotiation Phase:

Once the property is listed and interest is generated, this stage sets the tone for future interactions.

Effective Communication:

Responding efficiently and having clear and consistent communication with potential buyers will build trust and make negotiations smoother.

Emotional Intelligence:

Understanding buyer concerns and addressing them constructively creates a positive atmosphere for negotiations.

Problem Solving:

Finding solutions to address buyer concerns without compromising the Seller.

Strategic Thinking:

Developing and executing negotiation strategies that enhance the seller’s position while respecting the buyer’s interests, aiming for win-win outcomes.

Receiving and Considering Offers:

Considering offers, terms, conditions, financing, and timelines while managing multiple buyers.

Creating a Sense of Urgency:

Timing the listing and having open house viewings can create a sense of urgency and stimulate the sale.

Legal Knowledge and Understanding:

Understanding the legal aspects of property sales ensures that all terms are clearly defined, particularly at the outset prior to communications being sent to the Seller’s solicitor.

Finalising Terms:

Once the Sale is Agreed it is important to document the terms clearly preventing any misunderstandings at a later stage.

Preparing for Closing

The Seller and Agent should work closely together during the Sale Agreed to Sold phase, ensuring timely communication is progressing with all parties.

Case Study:

Property: Top Floor 2 Bed Apt in village location c. 15 minutes from Limerick city.

Background: The client sought to sell an apartment bought at the last peak of the market, later rented at a significant financial loss over the years. The key requirement was to achieve the maximum sale price.


  • Conducted thorough market analysis
  • Identified ideal buyer as a first-time buyer priced out of city suburbs but seeking security of tenure and to exit the rental market.
  • Created a compelling narrative with quality photography, detailed property and area descriptions including a compelling video; to attract potential buyers.

Result: Secured a buyer with approved Lending.

Challenge: Contract and Closing Process:

  • Buyer showed hesitation as issues with further paperwork required from his Lender and the difficulty in communicating with them was resulting in significant delays.  The process was affecting his morale and interest in the property where he communicated that he thought it must not be ‘meant to be’.
  • We initiated supportive conversations with the buyer, addressing stresses with empathy and discussing the pros and cons logically which included highlighting the long term benefits of home ownership versus rental challenges.   This allowed the buyer to gain clarity and to progress with a renewed interest.


  • Successful sale for the seller
  • Buyer commended the agent, stating, “Helen was kind, helpful, supportive, and professional.  She helped me make my dream of owning an apartment come true.”

This case study highlights the importance of elements of the Winning Negotiation Strategy including Effective Communication, Emotional Intelligence including patience and understanding and Problem Solving.


Incorporating a Winning Negotiation Strategy is essential for achieving success in your property sale.  By focusing on thorough market analysis, understanding buyer psychology, and maintaining clear communication, your Estate Agent can effectively address potential challenges, navigate complexities and ensure a rewarding property sale.


A Winning Negotiating Strategy is an important component of our SELLWISE Strategy in property sales.  It plays a significant role in maximising the final sale price, getting favourable terms, managing buyer expectations, navigating negotiations and achieving satisfaction for both the seller and the buyer.  Without this, the seller risks lower sale prices, longer time on the market and a higher chance of sales falling through.   A Winning Negotiation Strategy starts well before you list your property for sale and continues right through to the closure, handover of keys and the evaluation of the sale.

To maximise every element of the Sales Process, including the Negotiation strategy we have discussed, we will be exploring the further elements of the SELLWISE Strategy. Stay tuned for the next article when we will look at the 6th component of the strategy ‘I’, Indepth Communication!